Accepting Multiple GC Bids

The purpose of this job aid is to outline the process of accepting multiple GC Bids from different vendors through NexsysOne.

Assign the Vendors

For a particular site, up to three vendors can be added to provide bids. This will allow those three vendors access to upload a GC Bid. Each vendor will only be able to see their GC Bid document. Internal DISH employees will be able to view all three.

  1. From the Control screen, open the site you would like to assign vendors for bidding.

  2. Navigate to the General Details Construction tab.

  3. Add up to three vendors to the GC Bidding section.

  1. Click the save icon in the bottom right.


In addition to assigning the vendors here, individual users from the GC firm will need to be given permissions to access this portion of NexsysOne.

  1. Identify the user(s) that will be involved in uploading the GC Bid.

  2. Utilize the Vendor User Access Request Form to request Bid Vendor Access for the specific user that will be uploading the GC Bid.

GC Bid Upload

The GC will then upload a bid to that site. The instructions below outline the GC process for uploading this bid. To provide GCs with these instructions, forward on the following link:

  1. From the Control screen, GC will open the appropriate site.

  2. GC will navigate to the Milestone Progress > Documentation.

  3. GC will select ‘Bids’ from the drop down menu.

  1. GC will select the BID folder. A GC will only have access to the bid folder corresponding to their Bid Vendor number (1, 2, or 3).

  1. GC will select the Upload icon in the top right.

  1. GC is then responsible for informing their market POC that a bid has been uploaded.

Removing Additional GC Bid Vendors

Once DISH has decided to move forward with a particular GC, the GCs that were not selected can be removed as bid vendors in order to remove their visibility to the site in NexsysOne.

  1. From the Control screen, open the site you would like to assign vendors for bidding.

  2. Navigate to the General Details Construction tab.

  1. In the GC Bidding section, select the search icon and set the Bid Vendor back to ‘None’. The GC that was selected can remain assigned.

  1. Click the save icon in the bottom right.