Favorite Milestone Feature
The purpose of this job aid is to demonstrate the Favorite Milestone functionality. This feature is used to reduce the number of milestones displayed in the Milestone Progress tab and the time it takes NexsysOne to load. Note that this setting only affects the current user, all other users will have their own Favorites.
In the site details, be sure you are on the Progress tab within the Milestone Progress section of the Site Details:
At the far right of each milestone is a star symbol:
Clicking the star once turns it orangeand makes the associated milestone a favorite. You may mark as many milestones as favorites as you wish.
Viewing Only Favorite Milestones
By default, all milestones are displayed. In order to display only those milestones that are marked a Favorites, click the Favorite Milestones indicator (the solid star) at the bottom left of the Milestone Progress window:
The Favorite Milestones indicator is toggled to ON:
And only milestones marked with the star are displayed:
The Favorite Milestone setting will remain active until turned OFF. You can navigate to another site, refresh NexSysOne or even log off and the Favorite Milestones settings will be saved and active. This makes it convenient for users who only need to see certain milestones. Load times for the smaller set of Favorite Milestones can be significantly shorter than to load the entire milestone set.
Showing All Milestones
To return to viewing all milestones, unselect the Favorite Milestones Indicator button in the bottom left hand corner.