NexsysOne Product Item Master

The purpose of this job aid is to walk the Supply Chain Team through the usage of the ‘Product’ section of NexsysOne to add material products to the NexsysOne item master. Adding items to this list allows users to access the items to add to both BOMs and bulk PORs. The items will also appear in the MRP and Demand Reports, depending on their MRP classification.

Accessing the Product Item Master

The Product section of NexsysOne can be found under ProjectOne > Procurement > Product, as demonstrated in the screenshot below.

Initial Item Setup in Oracle

Initial item setup is completed by the Product Configuration Management Team in Oracle. After products are loaded into Oracle, Oracle will communicate with NexsysOne and the products will appear in the Product section of NexsysOne. All products are initially created with an Inactive status and will not yet be available to add to BOMs and bulk PORs.

Mass Uploading Products & Product Price

The Supply Chain Team is then responsible for updating the product information for each item loaded from Oracle. This involves two mass upload processes - one for product and another for product price. First, the user will update product information following the process below:

  1. Sort/filter items to include only those with a Task Category set to ‘Material’ and a Status set to ‘Inactive’.

  2. Select the option to ‘Export Product to Excel’.

  3. Update the following fields in Excel:

    1. Commodity Type

    2. Pallet/Box Qty

    3. MRP Classification

    4. Lead Time

    5. Status (set to Active)

Once complete, save the file.

  1. In NexsysOne, select the option to ‘Mass Upload Product’.

    Click ‘Browse’ and choose the updated Excel file.

  2. Check results to verify information was successfully updated.

Next, the user will update product pricing information following the process below:

  1. Sort/filter items to narrow down the selection as needed. The specific parts to be updated can also be filtered via Excel prior to upload.

  2. Select the option to ‘Export Product Price to Excel’.

  3. Update the following fields in Excel:

    1. Company (Supplier)

    2. Price

    3. Lead Time

    4. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

    5. Fixed Lot Multiple (FLM) Quantity

    6. Is Default (set to Yes, unless this is an additional vendor you are adding for an existing item)

Once complete, save the file.

  1. In NexsysOne, select ‘Mass Upload Product Prices’.

Click ‘Browse’ and choose the updated Excel file.

  1. Check results to verify information was successfully updated.

At this point, material product setup is complete. Users will now be able to add these products to BOMs and bulk PORs. Products with a ‘B’ MRP classification will appear in the MRP Report (see Job Aid) and products with a ‘C’ MRP classification will appear in the Demand Report.