Job Aid: Non-Standard CX Services PO Creation

The purpose of this job aid is to provide information on how to set up a Purchase Order for services to a General Contractor that is outside of the normal scope of work and may be the same GC or for a different GC than is assigned to the site. This will ensure proper reporting of what work is being performed outside of the work included on the PORT form for construction as well as provide you with the correct product codes to utilize in place of incorrect miscellaneous product codes.

Create the BOM

Create a new Service BOM or add the service to an existing BOM

For information on how to create a BOM or add a line item to a BOM, please refer to the NexsysOne PO/Invoice Process Job Aid.

Details on adding Non-Standard items to a BOM

The process for adding these services to a BOM is the same as other services with a few things to note:

  1. Select the appropriate Product Code for the work being performed

    1. CX-OOS-02 is for Out of Scope work installing materials or services for Non-Tower sites

    2. CX-OOS-03 is for Out of Scope work installing materials at Tower sites

    3. CX-OOS-04 is for Out Of Scope Labor for Tower sites

  1. There are similar product codes for Change Orders of the same types that are indicated with a -CO in the product code 

  1. Find the correct vendor that we are paying for the work being performed

    1. This may be the same or a different GC than is assigned to the site

  1. Note: To ensure that the vendor has access to the site details, add the vendor to the site as a Miscellaneous Vendor in the Vendors & Project Team section of General Details

  1. Adjust the Item Price down to the amount that will be paid for the work
    Note: The default price that appears is the maximum price allotted for the product code

  1. Select the Item Description to match the work being performed

    1. This list includes descriptions of any work that fits this category as well as an Other option

  1. The option for Other should only be used if no other selection matches the work being performed

    1. Add detailed notes in the Item Other Description field about what the work being performed is

  1. Enter the Milestone that is used as the promise date for this item

    1. This is the milestone that we expect the vendor to actualize to indicate that the work has been completed

  1. If choosing a Miscellaneous Milestone as the Payment Milestone, ensure the Promise Date being selected is the matching Misc Fee Promise Date number

  1. Choose the Payment Milestone for this line item

    1. The Payment Milestone is the milestone that would need to be actualized to generate an invoice

  1. You are only able to select milestones that have not already been actualized and are the responsibility of DISH to actualize