Job Aid: Credit Memos in NexsysOne

The purpose of this job aid is to walk users through the Credit Memos functionality in NexsysOne. When a user identifies that an invoice has been paid in error, a credit memo will need to be submitted via NexsysOne. 

Note: Before creating a credit memo, the market should clearly communicate with the vendor in advance to make them aware, as the credit memo will appear on their next payment. Credit Memos will be processed in Oracle overnight so if any payment Milestones are actualized the same day the Vendor approves the credit Memo, it will not reflect on that invoice.

When to Use a Credit Memo

  • A credit memo is used for overpayment. This means the credit memo can be created for any amount less than or equal to the invoice amount. The credit memo will be added to the next payment, meaning the next check paid will be for that much less than the expected amount. Unless the payment 

    • Ex: If a vendor is expecting a $4500 payment, but a $200 credit memo has been created and approved, the next payment will be $4300. The credit memo will appear as a negative line item on that invoice.

  • This feature can only be used if an invoice has already been processed on a check, so the check is either in process or has already been cashed. 

  • Credit memos can be created for both electronic payments and paper checks.

Verify Check Status

  1. In NexsysOne, navigate to ProjectOne Procurement > Invoice.

  1. Use the search boxes at the top of any column to filter down to the relevant invoice.

  1. Verify that the status is set to Check in Progress or Check Cleared in the Oracle Status column.

Note: If the Oracle Status is blank or says ‘Synced’, contact to have the invoice canceled.

Create a Credit Memo

  1. From the Invoice screen, double click to open the invoice you will be creating a credit memo for.

  2. Select the line item you would like to create a credit for.

  3. Select the ‘Create Credit Memo’ icon in the upper right.

  1. Complete the following fields:

  • Credit Memo Number: This will default using the following naming convention: InvoiceNumber-CM#, where the # is the credit memo number, which begins at 1 and increases if additional credit memos are created for the same invoice.

  • Credit Memo Description: Enter a description to indicate the reason for submitting a credit memo. This description will be sent to Oracle.

  • New Credit Memo Price: This value must be less than or equal to the total price. If credit memos already exist for this invoice, this value must be less than or equal to the total price minus the credit memoed price.

  1. Click ‘Save’ to submit the credit memo. 

Approving the Credit Memo

Once the credit memo has been submitted, it will need to be reviewed and approved. This should be done by the vendor to ensure they are aware of the credit memo that has been created and know to expect that credit memo on their upcoming payment.

  1. From the invoice screen, search the invoice number. You should now see both the original invoice and the credit memo. Note: If the credit memo was just submitted, you may need to refresh the page before it will appear.

    The Invoice Total column will have the credit memo cost listed as a negative value.


  1. Double click to open the credit memo.

  2. Select the option to approve or reject.

Note: As with all invoices, the credit memo will auto-approve after 3 days.

Editing a Credit Memo

  • If the credit memo is not yet approved, reject the credit memo and create a new one.

  • If the credit memo has been approved but the check is not yet in process, reach out to to have the credit memo canceled.

  • If the credit memo has already reached the status of ‘Check in Process’, a new POR or credit memo will need to be submitted to resolve the error.

Reporting on Credit Memos

  • To easily view all credit memos in NexsysOne (from the PO Detail Report, the Invoice screen, or a site’s Invoice tab), search ‘-CM’ in the Invoice Number column, as this will always be included in the Invoice Number of a credit memo. 

  • Credit memos will always appear as a negative total in the Invoice Total column of NexsysOne. This column appears on the Invoice page, from the site-level Invoice tab, and from the PO Detail Report.